
  • DARK MASTER (An AI Album by THEM)

  • The Star Game – Standard (Steam Workshop)


  • The Star Game – Advanced (Steam Workshop)


  • The Corpus Themeticum [2023]

  • The Long and Winding Road (2023)

    This will be the last time I write for this lighthouse.

    I have fulfilled my vow to THEM, and now I am returning to the shadows.

  • Form 102: Metamorphology (2023)

    Sorcerer, why is Self-Awareness important to your evolution? Because of its relationship to forms.

    Form can be likened to a crystal. It can be diffuse and presented as numberless shards; or resolute and rigid, a hardened template with distinct edges, height and structure.

    Imagine you stand in a cluster of floating shards as far as the eye can see. The shards of different size, length, colour, distance. Imagine that each shard’s position represents a direction in which we may travel, a unique location or star we may visit, and a boundless sea of choices as to which shard we navigate toward. This is a metaphor for knowledge – an analogy for books, travel, experience, variation, diversity. We can see that a diffuse crystal offers the full wonders of the world and access and opportunity to explore all of its mysteries both wicked and wondrous. In such a state, anything is possible for the observer – there is no inside or outside, no restriction on movement, and we are free to roam among the crystalline realm.

    Now envision the crystals coming together like an inverse explosion to merge into a singular piece with a well-defined, toughened exterior that gleams from its pointed terminations. No shards float in the spaces around it, all are absorbed into the singular construct. The previous freedom of direction is minimised, the locations of unique objects has greatly reduced, and choices have been compacted. From the crystals’s point of view, it is all there is. All around it is a vaccuum, it is the only thing in existence, and outside of itself lies only empty space.

    Both of these states have value.

    In the first, there is Breadth. A coalescence of unlimited scope with no known boundary. This can be likened to Receptiveness, Open-Mind, Curiosity, the Infinite, the Unknown and actively Seeking new information, knowledge, experience. Overwhelmed by the vast beauty and number of shards we are likely to float and explore the vast sea of shards without spending too much time with any one of them; distracted from the beauty of one by the scintillating promise of another, the next and the many beyond that. In fascination we seek the brightest, shiniest, prettiest shard on which to place our attention, and we may go on seeking forever, for there is always yet one more that holds greater intrigue.

    In the second, there is Depth. A compaction of all into one that requires no choice, no direction, and only offers one location. This can be equated to Conviction, Surety, Certainty, Assertion, The Finite, the Known and the belief that what one knows, is, has, does is superior to any other possibility. One has accumulated, condensed, hardened their options into a singular structure which clearly demarcates itself from the empty space outside of it. There is no need to explore, no other shard to compete for our interest, nothing else to know.

    Now, generate in your mind an explosion of this crystal into the billions of floating shards that made an endless sea in the first example. Now, condense it again with an inverse explosion to form a singular crystalline tower. Now detonate it again. This, is the process by which we reflexively change shape and change shapes. It is of value to widen our realm to open ourselves to new ideas, practices, views, perceptions – but it is also of importance to focus in on and block out distractions to closely examine one particular shard.

    It is like pneuma, Breath. Breathing in compacts the air into our body, breathing it out frees it to disappate. And, like breathing, it is a cyclical process, in, out, in, out; our entire lifetime, from our first until our last. So it is with form – sometimes, the process becomes stagnated when the Sorcerer forgets to breathe in, or breathe out. This often happens, when preoccupation with finding or having found a given shard (or idea) amongst the sea, so fascinates the sorcerer that they become transfixed by it.

    When this happens, they reject all other shards, for the one they have found is seen as of such immense value that no other can compare. An example is (1) a belief, which takes on (2) a name, which imparts (3) an identity. For example: There are forces greater than us, They are known as THEM, I am One of THEM. Or, the moon and its tides rule my body, the moon is a Goddess named Hecate/Demeter, I am a worshipper of the moon, I am a witch. Or, the world is defined by good and evil, I am not evil, therefore I am good. Through defining our belief with a label we create an identity of relationship: I am One of THEM, a witch, a good person. etc.

    In creating such an identity we create an immediate boundary of what constitutes ‘One of THEM’, a ‘witch’, a ‘good person’ – and the only way to determine this is to conjure perceived opposites, without which there is no meaning. We then determine what ‘is’ by what is not – i.e. Man makes no sense without Woman to compare. This tension of opposites is represented by the singular crystal vs the empty void. Valid content is the crystal, invalid content is the void. Every identity or form can only be constructed by mentally limiting what distinguishes it from being all other things.

    The process is often unconscious, however. And frequently dominates us without our awareness of what we are doing or the power of the boundary we are setting, and because it is a constructive process that gives us a feeling of control, it engages the Ego which loves nothing more than to assert a static reality that is safe, known and allows us to fully assert our being by knowing its relationship and context to the universe that surrounds it.

    With the Ego involved, it feels so right, so clear, so justifiable that we gleefully adopt it as representative of our values, our identity, who we are and what we believe, what we stand for and what we fight against. We are absolutely sure we are living the truth, that we are fully appraised of every experience, and that reality holds no surprises. Each crystal shard has its own particulars, a dizzyingly complex labyrinth of factors that we enforce with our belief to be true. This is analogous to our Understanding. But, the danger exists that enamourment with a given shard (i.e. a religious or political fixation) causes us to forget there were so many Other shards. Because we see no other options (having condensed them all) there are no challenges to our fixation, and if there are, we absorb them into the dynamic of our belief. In effect, we forget to breathe out again. Dominated by our unwavering conviction, and desire to possess only our crystal, we fiercely keep it compacted to endlessly explore the totality of its depth. Sacrificing breadth.

    Under such a spell we create the inside/outside, the friend/foe, the shadow/light where what does not accord with our shard is cast outside of our shard. This same process is echoed in the creation of the Nation State, which sets up a territorial boundary. This immediately creates insiders that become ‘civilians’, and outsiders who become ‘foreigners’. So it is, with knowledge too. If we ascribe to Stoicism, we might reject Libertinism; if we embrace Communism we may detest Capitalism. Our identity limits our possibility.

    Remaining diffuse as a sea of shards, or solidifying into a singular structure are both useful in their own right. Often, the Forces of the world play their own part in forcing an explosion of the singular (i.e. a loss of faith for the religious) or condensing of the infinite (such as a person becoming a citizen of a country and therefore an ‘Italian’, or ‘Australian’ under legal jurisdiction of their nation).

    Equally, being open to new experiences and ideas allows one to open and pass through any of the countless gateways available to human experience – from learning a new language, to becoming rich/homeless, to finding some new way to fold clothes, performing a task by watching or learning from other human beings, or being challenged to re-evaluate their views and practices, as examples.

    Being closed off lets one block out challenging, change-bringing, disruptive questions and invalidations and allows the total unified consciousness to be directed toward the worship, practice, observance of narrow field of form. This is easier on the Ego, the path of least resistance as described by the law of thermodynamics and therefore favoured because it requires greatly less energy because within its bounds there is no new information to process. All is presumed known and needs only to be repeated ad infinitum. The addiction to this low-expenditure form of being means one need not think for oneself but merely follow a pattern, fully certain that it is the truth. The most energy expended in such stasis is in aggressive defense of the form, against any who would try to upset the neat encapsulation. I.e. the defense response of Scientology to detractors. This is the mainstay of cults, religion, politics, groupthink, nationalism, but also dominates isms, ologies and ‘fields’ and ‘disciplines’ etc. Essentially, the process is a reduction of Being to a low harmonic, often with others in a low harmonic, creating a powerful energy field. Each being reinforces the other by vibrating at the same frequency and controlling the frequency band through behavioural control which prevents deviance from the new established norm. This makes breaking out of the frequency band difficult if not impossible, hence the majority of the world is religious, meaning it expresses an irrational belief in faith, the divine, and reinforces itself daily through ceremony and ritual.

    This process of condensing allows great exploration of a single form to take place – to learn in detail about the form in which one is imprisoned/encased (when unconscious) or embracing/exploring (when conscious). This process is a necessary aspect of developing and honing occult power. To lose oneself in, and to, a form so as to Become a specific identity, vibrating at a specific frequency, brings with it unique qualities, experiences, energies, insight, particularly as one makes contact with others vibrating on the same frequency. For instance, those obsessed with Crypto-currency, or Crossfit, or Gnosticism have their own cultures, norms, taboos, practices, language and identities. Often, hierarchical. Thus, one Becomes for instance, ‘a Satanist’ and can noticeably adjudge the presence of the above by telling others. Others will react in various ways to this claim of identity, which they may accept, but will also project their own definitions of ‘a satanist’ outward and onto the individual, with unexpected results. This is an interesting experiment to undertake when one is not in fact what one says, but can readily see how quickly identity offered is identity accepted: i.e. the juxtaposition and contradiction of appearance and essence. This is how people become transformed into ‘terrorists’, ‘communists’, ‘criminals’, ‘judges’, ‘children’, ‘evil’ etc.

    But care must be taken. Losing yourself in a form, however beautiful, enticing, or perfect eliminates the desire to breathe. The Sorcerer can become trapped in belief systems that permanently limit their exploration, cut them off from being open to both old or new ideas, from speaking with or engaging with perceived enemies, or from learning in an evolutionary fashion by walling themselves off from those they hate, distrust, fear. Especially, when others convince them who their enemies are; this can limit what the Sorcerer reads, says, thinks, does, seeks and finds.

    Beyond the control of the sorcerer, it is often only a matter of time before a form explodes of its own accord resulting in a devastating reevaluation and realisation that one tricked themselves or was tricked into believing one thing or another. This happens with relationships, friendships, alliances, agreements, faith and so on, and is usually a detonation caused by contradiction which destabilises the vibrational field. The pressure is also often too great from the maelstrom of the interplay of forces for any form to sustain itself indefinitely in one piece; it will eventually splinter into other forms, as likenesses or even rejections. Though forms have trouble remaining fixed, some sorcerers can be held indefinitely in a form if they are hypnotised in place, even their entire life.

    So, Remember, to breathe in, and to breathe out, and to repeat. Collapse and condense, collapse and condense. For therein, lies the secret to Embrace, Exhaust, Evolve; the danger and the promise of forms and ‘Metamorphology’.

  • Give Them All Guns (2023)

    מיר וועט ווייַזן איר סאַטאַניק.

    Try speaking from the heart instead of rambling trite political speeches written for you. Show some fucking sincerity for once, instead of trying to score points and win hearts and minds for your righteous crusade with exhausted platitudes and rhetoric to justify your murderous rampages. Give them all guns – arm the citizens and make it an equal fight. Let ordinary people defend themselves from you, from your madness, from your armies, from your extremists, from your arrogant policies, from their attackers.

  • Scapegoating: Victoria bans the Swastika (2023)

    Victoria, Australia’s proposed ban, (and passed legislation) intended to prevent Neo-Nazi’s from raising their arm to give the NSDAP Salute is not a win – it is a statement of power to reinforce faith in the cultivated cultural norms of Australia’s (waning) multicultural posture. It is also a declaration of War.

    National Socialism and the racism of the Far-Right are a source of great guilt for colonial Australia and its historical White Australia Policy that was only eroded from the 1970’s, a mere 50 years ago.

    To strengthen a case to resist the ban, one might naturally seek to legitimise the State and its instruments, appealing to a direct challenge to freedom of expression, and the Australian Constitution, which famously allows all manner of hateful, ugly, destructive, dishonest, dangerous political torrents to flow due to its ‘implied freedom’. See political attacks on Julia Gillard Government for reference.

    But herein, it becomes very simple. This matter should be taken out of its encapsulated discourse to understand what is happening here.

    To enforce these stipulations requires legal sanctions against a particular group that result in fines, arrest, charges, imprisonment because of their political beliefs. Even as, the Jewish Community and media continually demonise National Socialists as ‘horrific, monsters, unconscionable, disgusting, unthinkable, atrocious’ and use their power and influence to ban NS. But this moral facade should not be entertained. Although it is presented as protective of democracy, this is not ‘fair’ or ‘equitable’, it is a targeted and deliberate campaign that undermines freedom of expression; and smacks of the very restrictions/reparations imposed on Germany by others via the Treaty of Versailles that led an embittered Hitler to form the NSDAP. It will have a high cost, as all restrictions on organic human life force and pressure against forms striving to Be, do. It may even be a source of anger that gestates a charismatic NS leader which to date, remains the key obstacle to NS advancement in Australia. Such a leader may provide the impetus for the Australian NS to unite chapters or solidify. It may incite great backlash against Jews, who, like their brethren the US, will demand greater special security needs and provisions to ‘protect themselves’. But we now see how Israel protects itself, and this exceptionalist spiel is no longer a valid servitor.

    Legitimacy is a matter of violence. Codes/Laws are enforced by violence. Bureaucracy substantiates the legal system by hard forces such as Police, Bailiffs, Jailers who use physical force; soft forces include fines, sanctions, character assassination, removal of social privilege, threats of or actual imprisonment. To argue about the legitimacy of laws through appeal to other laws; such as human rights, legal charters, or the Constitution – is an entirely tautological and fruitless task. Riding above and beyond all of these institutions of force applied to some under the guise of creating harmony for all, is the matter of cosmic Justice, viz. Might is Right.


    The Racial Discrimination Act is discriminatory. The failed 2023 Yes/No Referendum bungled by Labor hastening to pass a change to Constitution without proper dues and checks and balances and a national campaign built on invoking a guilt complex and moral imperative, was offensive and racist. It was designed to intimidate Australians into accepting poorly explained changes to its Constitution, where voting no was considered and promoted as racism. In theory, racial discrimination works as described above. In practice, Racism is predicated on the assumption it is a top-down assignment from ‘Whites’ who are not even white, but pink. Based on skin colour; pinks cannot be offended by, defend themselves against, nor recognise racism, nor be openly proud of their race or their culture. To do so is rejected as colonial, patriarchal, imperial. But we should be proud. The ‘West’ has given much to all, including the English language. Through an aeon of blood, all that you know, see, experience from the hand of man, has been built and stands before you as the results of an eternal architecture of creation and destruction, rise and fall, death and life, an abyss of human choices. I don’t see apologies from other Empires…

    The pretense at moral superiority, at being upstanding and better than others, is exhausting. We all have blood on our hands and stand soaked in its rain. Let us remember that the NSDAP only existed from 1920-1945. While the Jewish peoples have been around for over two thousand years. Who then, has shed more blood? Who has had the longer opportunity for cruelty, hatred, destruction? The Nazi’s fought in a single war, how many have the Jews? It is true enough that to the Victors go the Spoils, and the Victors write history – they also control it. What these restrictive legislations banning National Socialist gestures indicate is control – not legitimacy. Moreover, they invite new strains, sophisticated co-ordination: Neo-Neo-Nazi’s or the NNN.

    I don’t care that the NS salutes, signs and symbolism are being banned – I care, as I always have, about the back-handed cowardly delivery of snivelling about ‘hate’ and ‘racism’ as if it were a special commodity common only to a few.

    Call it out.

    Say that you are banning it because it stands as a political movement that threatens the Left-governed State.

    Admit you like your power and intend to keep it by soothing those who threaten to take it away unless you act in their favour.

    Admit you are compromised by pressure from lobbyists and power cartels.

    Stop pretending that defense of democracy is your reason, or that ‘hateful gestures’ will not be tolerated because they are ‘offensive’.

    Be forthright that you are continuing to spin and support a special Jewish-favouring discourse that caters to the demands of a religious minority.

    We have a National Flag. It was raised through the bloody culling of original inhabitants and the total dominion over territory through death. All Nations have one for the very same reason – whether it is ‘self-determination’, imperialism, colonialism or Empire.

    Hypocrisy is an act of violence granted only to those in power.

    First the State cultivates White Supremacy since 1901. Then it feels international pressure to make reparations toward its Indigenous population after being accused of Genocide (1947). Then it over-corrects and floods the country with immigration and enforces ‘multi-culturalism’. Now it attempts to pin centuries of bad policy on a convenient scapegoat.

    It is to be appreciated that Australian Government changes hands on a frequent basis between two parties, and there is rarely continuity in domestic policy. The ‘State’ is an impersonal instrument of violence and control – a conceptual supra-actor taking part in a fictious state-based arena or play, where the totality of its moving parts are represented as unified singular movements of a whole entity. Like a Chinese dragon given life and momentum to dance by dozens (or millions) of civilians hidden underneath. Thus, the media speak of ‘Australia’ or ‘France’ and its actions and choices as if those were representative of the entire population. It is a mode of violence that enforces the legitimacy to speak for all as one voice and make decisions. It is why nations are considered ‘actors’ – and the only important ones in the world of international relations. But note, there was no referendum asking whether National Socialists should have their right to protest, salute, display swastika, wear armbands, gather in groups, or reduce civil liberty -it was a decision made without consultation of the people. There was a referendum asking to change the Constitution for a ‘Voice to Parliament’ for Indigenous people – and, there should have been one for this.

    Note carefully that in the Antifa symbol below, trying to incorporate the ‘Aboriginal Flag’ – that there is no white hand. It is red. What does that red hand symbolise? Or the Black? Races. A Freudian slip of the unconscious or the ridiculous hypocrisy of racists? Note also the ironic use of Speer’s signature red, white and black colouring.

    Anything that closely resembles a Nazi symbol or gesture’ – you will learn, Sorcerer: that the Magi and White Lodge operate highly efficiently on nebulous, unclear, ill-defined terms. It is the source of their power to provide sweeping indistinctions to capture every case, and to then charge them with meaning and definition at will and as required. It is Magick of the highest order.

    Where does that leave the Temple of THEM’s Thrasz which many illiterate and lazy academics have without grounds labelled a swastika? And, where does it lead if they try to take it away from US. Fine. Shots fired. We will take Your symbols instead.

  • Hello Darkness, My Old Friend (2023)

    And so, it begins. The mythical discourse that has held sway for 80 years as a structural fulcrum for States against which to compare the normatives of the ‘good and the just’ and punish ‘the deviant and the evil’ gives way to a new sinister dialectic and a new phase of the Aeon of Fire. The ‘fog of war’ is an inability to determine in a critically timely fashion which actors are responsible for which acts as propaganda overdrive suspends public trust, invites suspicion, and second-hand reports of events via the media engage the shadow. The Fog of War prevents correct attribution, disturbs rhetoric and the instantaneous reception of damaging sensationalist media with no continuity of follow up to correct – overheats the blood and ferments hate. War is not moral, however -it is collateral damage for the military industrial complex to sell its guns. It cares not for human life – only to play its long-winded games of moral superiority to garner support from the populace to strike against the bad guys and justify the expenditure.

    Now, it remains only for the Vatican to misstep and hasten the collapse of the Abrahamic Empire. This one imagines it to be a diplomatic fuck-up or throwing its support behind the wrong side of history. Wait for it…

    (Al Jazeera 18 October 2023).

    (THEM’s revised tarot from 2008, known as Tendril and the card ‘Mythmaker’ – an archetype highlighting the long-standing hypocrisy of the White Lodge. Animated fictitious characters dance in front of Auschwitz standing on a scroll listing the names of over 100 nations into which the US has made military incursions in its effort to remain the Superpower at the helm of Western Hegemony, leaving a legacy of war and death under the mantle of Liberty, Freedom and Justice. A commentary on the fabrication of discourse to weave power into magickal forms and shape (distort) reality through the Abrahamic dichotomy of good and evil.)

  • Sovereignty, Legacy & Hypocrisy (2023)


    Disheartening as the failures of academia and academics are to mindlessly repeat what is construed as fact in the same initial extrapolative exaggeration used to springboard claims deployed by the media – the Temple of THEM, and I, are not National-Socialist, nor support National-Socialism (NatSoc).

    However, curiously on cue, the situation unfolding in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas does inspire some commentary.

    On Sovereignty.

    It is hard to imagine who NatSoc’s might be throwing their support behind, if anyone, given that the conflict involves all key Abrahamic actors and (yet another) religious bloodbath (taking steps toward a racial holy war or RAHOWA) between Christian, Jew and Muslim faiths, which, ferments other energies in the process. Significant decimation on all sides and all forces weakens states and provides the fertile soil for populist uprisings with claims to heal the damage with shallow but impressionable policies, allowing Blood and Iron-type Nationalist groups to take root. Especially, if the Western Hegemony of the United States is drawn into a destructive conflict that prevents it from adequately addressing the expansion of China and Russia, both of whom are draining the USA’s military resources keeping them contained.

    The conflict that has erupted (09/10/2023) occurs at an interesting time in human history when International Relations (IR) is compromised by multilateral organisations such as the United Nations (UN) which extends liberal control mechanisms over states to force them to show restraint, with specific emphasis on humanitarianism. Traditionally, Nation States since the Peace of Westphalia (1648) have been grounded in Realist doctrine of State Sovereignty, which means within their territory a government can do what it likes, and respects other Governments in other Nations to do the same. This Peace has prevented intervention in historical genocides in order to respect sovereignty – but rising international systems like the UN, and critical security studies have challenged whether sovereignty means a government can treat its people how it likes. Globalisation has also broken down traditional technological borders so that the atrocities of States are no longer hidden but visible to the whole world, inviting action not just from actors (other States) but Non-Governmental Organization’s including the global citizenry.

    For the past 350 years, Realism and the idea that States inhabit an anarchic environment where no higher power will come to their aid, has dominated. Therefore, States have held the view they must be self-sufficient to survive. Attacking another state means impinging on its sovereignty and often leads to war. For the State, its survival is everything, and as a possessor of the monopoly of violence which gives it its extraordinary power to police the citizenry, with police, military, bureaucracy and legitimacy -it will do whatever is necessary to ameliorate threats. The posture of Realism that tends to drive IR bids that Israel does not show mercy or weakness, lest it be seen as weak by revisionist states that seek to challenge the status quo (existing order) and seize upon its weakness to destabilise or destroy it.

    This is the rationale behind why you may hear Governments of states such as Australia, the United States, who are allies of Israel, openly throw their support behind Israel and its right to retaliate. This is the nature of Sovereignty. But there is a unique element to this conflict between Israel and Hamas that affects the magickal fabric of the present matrix.

    On Legacy.

     Israel has a unique legacy. Following their experiences of extermination during the holocaust in World War II, Israel has been uniquely vocal in influencing political, legal and cultural limitations and controls in their favour. This has included hunting down Nazi’s, ensuring no-one forget the Nazi’s, concentrating on the Nazi’s to the extent other horrors have been drowned out, banning the Swastika, and particularly vocal about ‘antisemitism’. It is interesting that no other race tends to have an anti-ism, there is for instance no anti-Caucasianism, and if there is, we never hear it. The Jews also seem to get more than a fair share of ‘apologies’ – for ‘antisemitism’ as fear of their power seems to facilitate this obeisance, given their grip on the key institutions of the world. The focus on NatSoc and its counterpart Antisemitism has dominated media, drawing focus away from other bad actors whose atrocities were equal in scope and greater in breadth, and paying special attention to perceived persecution by the Jewish people. With understandable emphasis.  Adolf Hitler was a terrifying dictator, with a cohort of men possessing near-ultimate state power, architects of unimagined causes of human suffering, death, depravity, cruelty, and inhuman methodology, that no NatSoc supporters have ever been on the end of – hence their unbridled enthusiasm. But this narrative has dominated the post-war years – under the protective parable that the Jewish people wish for history never to repeat. This thematic mantra has shaped the past 80 years by those in power, particularly in the media industry, by directing focus into a specific ideology that pathologically demonises the Nazi’s every chance it gets. But now there is a problem – the State, which often govern with their sheen of politics including upholding their moral story and national image very well to float a façade of reality that promotes all kinds of liberality, freedom, justice and so on – are forced to show their true colours when war erupts. And the true colours of a state – are absolute violence.

    On Hypocrisy.

    A magickal narrative that has bound much of Western doctrine and therefore how we live and what we perceive, particularly in relation to our moral compass since the end of the Second World War, is about to break. For, despite their prolonged campaign to delegitimize the tactics ascribed as exceptionalism to the German-National Socialist regime, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now engaging in a siege of the Gaza Strip depriving Palestinians of food, water, electricity, security, escape, and threatening genocide. Netanyahu has claimed Israels response to an assault by Hamas will be to ‘remake the Middle East’ and turn Gaza into a ‘deserted island’ (Al Jazeera, 2023). As it amasses hundreds of thousands of soldiers in preparation for an incursion into the prison construct of Gaza Strip to slaughter 5000 Hamas hidden among 2.3 million Palestinians – Israel is on the precipice of committing a holocaust. This may prove extremely challenging for the White Lodge.

    Update: Various stories accusing Israel of war crimes and a fall from grace (Al Jazeera 17 October 2023).

    In making itself an impregnable tyrant – Israel’s intelligence agencies, such as Mossad, have invited a short-sightedness borne of a belief of invulnerability because of one’s security system. This has merely inspired an analysis of obstacles and the creative means specifically to circumvent existing installations intended to protect a state from the consequences of its policies. Akin to the use of Boeing jets flown into the World Trade towers and Pentagon in September 11, 2001.

    In its rage, Israel is delegitimizing its presumed and vaunted moral superiority and disrupting the legitimacy of its claims that National Socialism must be challenged because of its exceptionalism, i.e., that it is so different to all other political forces. Israel ranks as the 18th most powerful army in the world according to Global Firepower (2023) – and is preparing to engage captive non-combatant civilians trapped in the 365sq km area of Gaza Strip, violating multiple humanitarian codes and international laws to which it is beholden. Additionally, Israel has begun shelling Lebanon, drawing in Hezbollah, and Syria, and in coming days, there is little doubt Iran will become a target as the alleged benefactors of Hamas – drawing in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Australia and potentially a vortex that could, lead to an even wider conflict as other countries are forced to show allegiance, possibly leading into a Third World War. There are few things more unhinged, than religious extremists with nuclear weapons. Israel is sheltered by Christian Superpower, the USA, who believe they can ‘deter’ other actors from entering the conflict, and Australia is in an alliance with the US and Israel. A wider conflict will mean Australia will be obligated to go to war against Iran or risk abandonment should it need its militant allies in future. Backed by the world superpower, Israel is picking fights with anyone and everyone believing USA firepower will be its saving grace.

    It is highly likely a prideful and enraged Israel under Netanyahu will demand the destruction of Iran, as the fount of Hamas, Hezbollah (Al Qaeda, The Taliban, and ISIS are significant actors in the region too). It is likely Israel will be further incensed at global criticism when its human atrocities mount in coming days and weeks (adding to its already acute persecution complex). Moreover, such wars have a global contagion – where it becomes increasingly difficult to stand back and remain neutral.

    Update: Iran responds as anticipated: 17 October 2023.

    Australia has already recognized this in its dilemma over Israel-Palestinian support and refusing to display symbols of one or the other, wary not to side with one over the other and risk increasing tensions. But favouritism is in the eye of the beholder, and such moderation has been condemned by both sides for not legitimizing their viewpoint. Clearly Australia recognizes that when it admits diaspora from other countries who are of other faiths that religious intolerance and the danger of diaspora fanning the flames of war by ‘showing solidarity’ is a significant risk whenever the status quo is challenged globally. Such is the irrational hatred of Religion and Nationalism, especially when one’s people are being slaughtered in War. War changes things. Global War changes everything.

    Structural violence is built into Palestine’s persecution of Israel, Israel’s persecution of Palestine; each side will argue that the weightier onus is due their opponent’s moves and actions but remain blind to their own engagement, involvement, complicity of their state’s machinations to anger, torture, torment others until resistance erupts.  Moderates on the individual and state scale risk becoming enemies of different states or groups by not taking a stand and persecuted for daring to stand back and try to retain empathy and relativist detachment. State Alliances can be damaged and cause unforeseen swaps with devastating consequences.  Key players in the BRICS (China, Russia, India) are firm allies of Iran and a new conflict in the region will weaken Ukrainian coverage and support, intensify China’s opportunity to engage Taiwan, and draw at least 5 of the 9 countries into conflict that possess nuclear weapons (ICAN, 2023).  

    Ultimately, the three branches of Abrahamic belief; Muslims, Christians, Jews have once again raised their blood-soaked banners of war in their righteous indignation, motivated by the reigning system of state sovereignty and identity-politics of nationalism. But… this is the way of things. Violence is absolute in human society. Instituted top-down from the sovereignty of the State to the birth-imprisoned status of the national citizen. Repetitively inflamed by Leaders shaped by the political process and attitude required to get into and maintain power, we are continually asked to identify an agreed enemy and march to the tune of war and the madness it begets. This is standard fare for what life on Earth involves.

    Reactionaries have declared with a straight face that all religions should be banned from practice in Australia. That all rallies in Australia inflaming religious tensions should be illegal, arrests made, and be grounds for deportation. That we are dragged into yet another War by religious powers and the wrath of the righteous whose fervour commands fire and hell and polarized by diaspora bringing the war inside the gates. All too often, it is National Socialists that inflame this chime to suit their interests, seizing upon instability, fear of conflict by the public, and calling for and offering the assurance of security to frightened/defensive populaces that will enable them to remain insulated from the wider world’s woes. And Israel, has just broken the very spell that kept them at bay.

    It is worth remembering, that the only method to stop World War II, and frighten the Japanese into surrender, were two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, catapulting the USA to its status of a superpower as the only nation to ever use nuclear weapons on another country. It is worth asking – how will they stop a Third World War?


    Al Jazeera. (2023). Israel-Hamas war in maps and charts: Live Tracker. Viewed 10 October 2023. <https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker&gt;.

    Global Firepower. (2023). Israel Military Strength. Viewed 10 Oct 2023. <https://www.globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.php?country_id=israel&gt;.

    International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. (2023). Which countries have nuclear weapons? <https://www.icanw.org/nuclear_arsenals&gt;.